
I recently played Dead or Alive 3 on an XBox. I like this game, not only because you can get quite far by abritrarily hitting the controls at high speed, but also (let's face it) because it features buxom girls in skimpy outfits kicking ass.
While playing I couldn't help noticing the incredible eye for detail in this game. All the breasts in this game obey the Law of Inertia: they swing a little to and fro after a female fighter has finished her little victory dance.
Imagine the guy (I can safely assume that it was a guy) who programmed this. "For the next three weeks, Jim will focus on the Swinging Breasts Algorithm. He'll be our Breast Man, and I expect him to give swinging breasts top priority." "Yes, sir!" Imagine mentioning this on your CV. Imagine saying to your boss, "Can you give me video footage of swinging breasts? I need some source material for the Breasts subroutine. A few hours' worth should do."
What a horrible, horrible job that must be.

Posted by cronopio at 02:06 PM, February 10, 2006