The Barefoot Diva

The good weather here in Amsterdam has been stretching beyond its normal limits, giving us sunny weather even in early October. It was too good to last. Now, in the end, the dreary drizzly season is upon us, and what better cure for the autumn blues than to see and hear the incomparable Cape Verde diva Césaria Evora in a concert hall?
Backed up by a great band (including a great violinist who couldn't stand still while he played --and who could blame him), the 64-year-old's dark and sonorous voice easily rose above even the swinging upbeat tunes. Sitting down halfway through the concert to smoke a cigarette, Ms Evora didn't look like someone who could evoke the kinds of cheers and applause she received. But when she got back up and took the microphone, there was no doubt. Great stuff, I recommend checking her out.

Posted by cronopio at 01:14 PM, October 25, 2005